Matthew 25:14-25 (NKJV)
kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, whocalled
his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he
gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his
own ability; and immediately he went on a journey.16 Then he who had
received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five
talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two
more also.18 But he who had received one went and dug in the ground,
and hid his lord’s money. 19 After a long time the lord of those
servants came and settled accounts with them.
20“So he who had
received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying,‘Lord, you
delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides
them.’21 His lord said to him, ‘Well done,good and faithful
servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many
things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’ 22 He also who had
received two talents came and said, ‘Lord, you delivered to me two talents;
look, I have gained two more talents besides them.’ 23 His lord said
to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful
over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy
of your lord.’
24“Then he who had
received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man,
reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered
seed.25 And I was afraid, and went and hid your talent in the
ground. Look, there you have what isyours.’
26“But his lord
answered and said to him, ‘You wicked and lazy servant, you knew that I reap
where I have not sown, and gather where I have not scattered seed. 27 So
you ought to have deposited my money with the bankers, and at my coming I would
have received back my own with interest. 28 Therefore take the
talent from him, and give itto him who has ten talents.
29‘For to
everyone who has, more will be given, and he will have abundance; but from him
who does not have, even what he has will be taken away. 30 And cast
the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and
gnashing of teeth.’
There are important points here to understand:
loves us, and He yearns to entrust us His kingdom; He wants us to inherent it
in due time.
entrusts us according to our abilities, and He knows are abilities,
capabilities, and limitations all based on each of our spiritual levels of
knowing Him personally.
expects us to multiply all those entrusted blessings for His glory because our
whole purpose of creation was to bring glory to Him.
are consequences for those who are ignorant, lazy, and selfish of His entrusted
talents and blessings. When we act that way we become useless to God, and He
throws us away after giving us the ample chance to repent.
One of the vivid descriptions that God showed me
was a bottle of change that most of us like to collect at home. Whenever we
have any spare change, we tend to lump it into some kind of a bottle in the
house, so it doesn`t bother our pockets/wallets, and that way serves as an
additional earning that`s collected for some fun activities (vacation, some
purchases, or perhaps even unplanned expenses).
That change has different order of coins: some are
pennies, some are nickels, some are dimes, and some are quarters, but they all
are coins that don`t have the ability to buy much on its own, and they don`t
represent that great of a value to us.
The following descriptions God showed me that
serve as an exchange rate in His economy:
- Each
time we drop those coins into the bottle, it represents accumulated set of
circumstances or feelings that remind us of the purchases made with money that
brought those coins of change into our pockets.
For example, I got sick, and I went to the pharmacy
to buy medication, but the change from the paid medicine, I lumped into my
pocket or wallet, and I let it sit there to accumulate with other change. That
change also reminded me of the feelings I had that day when I got sick (maybe I
had a poison ivy and was itching making myself miserable; it made me restless
and angry), so those coins of change served me as a reminder of the things
happened that day.
Another example, it could be a purchase I made for
the emergency as a result of unpredicted horrific circumstances, and the change
of those coins reminded me of that day when something bad happened that
prompted me to buy certain items. These same circumstances brought over a wave
of feelings: resentment, unforgiveness, madness, sickness, anger, bitterness, etc.
When we drop these coins into the bottle, it`s
like our heart that collects and accumulates all those feelings (change from
the survived circumstances), and we bottle them down, just like we do with this
change in the bottle. We just pour all those coins into the bottle and let it
sit there until one day we decide to buy something or do something with those
When we look at those coins sometimes they remind
us of those events and remind us of all those bottled down feelings that we
stored. God showed me that He wants to exchange those coins that we collect in
our hearts: anger, resentment, unforgiveness, bitterness, you can feel in the
blank; God wants to exchange them for bank notes of His love and talents. He
would entrust to each one of us certain knowledge and responsibility to turn
them around for His profit in order to bring Him glory.
Just like God
did with the servants in the parable described by Jesus in Matthew above, He
wants to entrust us His talents to bring profit of His glory. Some of us
collected enough change to exchange them for the bank notes of 5 talents, and
some of us only collected enough to exchange for 2 talents, and some of us
collected enough to exchange for only 1 talent. The more change we collected,
the more we value His forgiveness and His love, so we qualify for more talents.
Jesus said in Luke 7:47 (NKJV):
47 Therefore I say to you, her
sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom
little is forgiven, the same loves little.”
That`s our human nature: when we
make costly mistakes, we appreciate it all the more when they are forgiven to
us, and they in turn make us more compassionate to others when we see somebody
making mistakes especially when they hurt us. We multiply for profit more
talents that way because we learn to forgive the unforgiveable, we learn to
love the unlovable, we learn to be patient with those who are impatient, we are
merciful to those who don`t deserve it in our eyes because God is merciful to
us, we learn to cherish and appreciate little things when before we took them
for granted. All that we learn when we experience God`s love, grace, mercy, and
forgiveness in our hearts; we experience that when He takes all those coins
that were bottled down of rampant, vile, resentful heart, and replaces them
with currency of His powerful redeeming love.
Another description for those
coin holders God showed me as a description for our heart`s soil. Some of us
choose those coin jars to be made from glass, so we can see all the coins that
are inside and the level of the bottle when they fill up the bottle.
Some of us prefer to have
enclosed bottle made from clay that`s invisible from the outside, and in a way
it`s like a surprise to us when we don`t know how much change we`ve collected
over the period of time, so when we pour out all the accumulated change, we are
“pleasantly” surprised how much money we have stored that could be used for
Some of us like to use a metal bottle/jar that we
use to store those coins, and we like to hear different noises that the coins
make when we swish them around inside the jar to hear the level of them in the
bottle. Each coin is made from different metal material, so each kind of metal
makes its own unique sound, and in combination with the metal jar, it sounds
distinct to our ears.
Some of us like to use old style piggy that`s
completely enclosed, and most of the time requires breaking of the holder piglet
in order to access the coins, and we can also apply the swishing effect to hear
the level when it fills up the holder or when we lift it up and feel how heavy
the piglet has gotten.
God showed me that each one of these types of jars
represent the type of a soil in one`s heart. Some of us are transparent just
like a glass jar, and that makes it easier for God to touch one`s heart and
change it.
Some of us are very secretive and enclosed, so
one`s heart could be like a clay jar that needs breaking in order to get to the
essence of the inside jar. In order for God to get to those coins and exchange
them for His talents, He needs to break a clay jar which could require some
hardship circumstances in one`s life that would penetrate one`s heart and bring
brokenness and repentance.
Some of us are as harsh as metal jar; we make a
lot of noise when hardships hit us, yet we remain unyielding as metal unless
it`s content taken and refined through the fiery furnace. Only then, one`s
heart could be softened and molded into the right content of God`s acceptance.
Only then, God could take all the contents of those coins along with the metal
jar and mold it altogether in order to exchange them for His currency of
And then there are some of us are like those piglet
storages that we use to collect coins. Those could only be accessed through breaking
of the outer shell. Those piglets could get really heavy because of the
material they are made of, and because people who own them, they tend to hoard
the contents of the coins for their entire life span sometimes before they
break them and get the funds out. Those people who hoard the collected coins
the longest, they are the toughest people to get through in their hearts. The coins represent some kind of a treasure to
them; they continually live in the past and dwell on their faded “glory” or
accumulated anger from some kind of “unjustified” event. God knows that the
only way to access the contents of that heart when it reaches that kind of
unreachable yet vulnerable attitude is by putting one through some afflictions
that would break the outer shell and give access to God with those coins. It
could be that the idol of the past would be crushed through circumstances, or
something else, but God always gives the opportunity to allow Him exchanging
those coins for His currency.
Each one of these heart attitudes requires God
dealing with us; but the level of severity really depends on us. It really
depends on how much we would be willing to yield to God for Him to use us and
our lives for His glory. All He wants is to entrust us with His talents, so we
could multiply His love, mercy, patience, grace, forgiveness, and the list goes
on and on.
of the scriptures that got stuck with me is from Jeremiah
15:19-21 (NKJV):
19Therefore thus says the Lord: “If you return, then I will bring
you back; you shall stand before Me; if you take out the
precious from the vile, you shall be as My mouth. Let
them return to you, but you must not return to them. 20 And I will
make you to this people a fortified bronze wall; and they will fight against
you, but they shall not prevail against you; for I am with you to save
you and deliver you,” says the Lord.
21 “I will deliver you from the hand of the wicked, and I will
redeem you from the grip of the terrible.”
This is the ultimate God`s goal for
each one of us—so we get to the spiritual level of such close relationships
with Him that we are capable to extract the “precious out of the vile” because
God sees things different than we are. That`s why when He looks at my coin jar
holder, He can see inside my heart and know that if He applied the right amount
of pressure, a pinch of hardships, and a spoonful of affliction, I could become
like refined gold that could be traded for His profit.
my prayer that God would teach me to extract precious out of the vile and when
I look at the people, I could see their pain despite of their bitterness or
evil treatment of me because I know that God forgave me a lot, so I could
forgive to the others. He loves me a lot, so I could learn to love the
unlovable. I pray that my heart`s soil becomes transparent like a glass, so
when God looks inside it, He could easily show to me what needs to change, and
I could accept that through my repentance. That could only be learnt through
obedient walk with Him and daily hunger to know Him more.
you feel like you`ve been storing far too much change in your jar at home (in
your heart). What`s more, is your jar made of glass, brass, clay, or a piglet,
so you could realize what you`ve been storing for God to come and show you what
needs to change in your life to be entrusted with those talents to bring profit
for His glory? Do you have a yielding heart and soft soil, so He could teach
you how to extract the precious out of the vile, or do you waste your life in
mere somber existence collecting all that change of anger, bitterness, and
urge you to reconsider your life values and realize that God loves those who
want to become a refined gold traded for His profit and glory. He knows your
abilities better than you yourself. If only you allowed Him to exchange all
your stored “coins”, He could do far more with that than you could envision
yourself. Are you willing to live your life to your fullest potential and seek
to multiply His entrusted talents for His glory?
the end, He will deal with those who rejected Him and thought of Him as being a
cruel and unjust master because that`s not who He is. Only those who are
selfish and lazy seeking to live for themselves, or choose to live in
unforgiveness and bitterness, come up with those excuses because God is more
than merciful and patient with each one of us to give plenty of opportunity to
repent. God seeks for us to allow Him to exchange the stored “coin jar” for His
currency, so we could invest it into His kingdom. His exchange rate is a lot higher than we could ever estimate it to be because we could never encompass His love and mercy, and grace to its fullest.
I pray that every time you look at your coin jar, you think of your heart and the contents of it because this is what of the most vauable to God. He will not rest until He does everything He can to exchange all your stored "coins" for His talents. I urge you to conduct the inventory of your heart and what the material it`s made of (glass, brass, clay, or a piglet), so you could empty the contents into God`s hands and have no regrets about it. He will wait for you for as long as you live.
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