Matthew 11:28-30 (NIV)
28 “Come
to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my
yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you
will find rest for your souls.
30 For my
yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
God is impossible; He is impossible to understand or for me to
argue with Him because I would never find out a full picture or reasons for
what`s happening in my life until I see Him face to face and would be able to
ask all my questions.
This is the main scripture that I can cling to when I am so down
and worn out from not understanding what God is doing. The question is: “Can I
still be “humble in heart”, or will I continue to rebel against God`s decision
for my Monday`s temporary hearing`s outcome? I find it extremely hard to stay
humble in my heart, like Jesus was when taken for His trial and death
sentence”, and I can only cry to God: “Why? When will this horror end in my
life? How much more do I need to suffer before some major breakthrough will
take place in my favor?”
As I mentioned before, I had a temporary hearing scheduled for
Monday, the 18-th where issues like child support, change in custody (which to
shift status quo was near to impossible with the judge that I got), attorney`s
fees had to be decided. All I got was child support, and nothing else was
changed or decided, so custody stayed as it is right now (status quo didn`t
change), and attorney`s fees weren`t decided by the judge but were left to
decide at my final two day trial which would most likely be scheduled for the
As I walked out of the court room, I knew that my husband was very
mad for having to pay me child support now, and I was mad that I didn`t get the
full custody of my daughter, so it stayed joined for now. I couldn`t even
concentrate on any scriptures to keep me going because I was so broken down by
the outcome of this hearing. After 8 months of endless waiting, nothing got
changed still regarding custody, and all I can ask God is “Why?” What do I do
now and how can I testify of His goodness when I am hit with endless amount of
trials and more trials and more torture.
I should be grateful to God that the judge ruled in my favor,
given that during these temporary hearings only status quo maintains, so
getting child support appointed to me was a shift in my favor, but the money
would not equal for me to what it meant to get custody, so my daughter doesn`t
have to go through these horrible separation weeks. Step by step, God is
turning situation in my favor, but it takes too long, and I find myself more
than weary right now. I find myself incapacitated spiritually to even open the
One of the main scriptures that I read before my hearing was
in John 11:
4 When he
heard this, Jesus said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for
God’s glory so that God’s Son may be glorified through it.” 5 Now
Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So when
he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days, 7 and
then he said to his disciples, “Let us go back to Judea.” 8 “But
Rabbi,” they said, “a short while ago the Jews there tried to stone you, and
yet you are going back?” (Verses 4-8 NIV)
There are few important points that God showed me here:
- God used the sickness of
Lazarus to bring out His glory, and that`s why God allows some tormenting
circumstances in our lives- it`s to bring out His glory.
- Jesus loved His friends:
Lazarus, Martha, and Maria, who were three different characters and
relationships with God, yet despite the fact that Maria is shown in the
scripture as the most devoted one, it says here that Jesus loved all three of
them equally. This is God`s character- He doesn`t take sides or preferences,
but He loves all of us equally.
- Jesus knew the right time
when to head back for help, so only God knows when it is exactly I need His assistance.
He does allow us sometimes to “gulp some water”, so we appreciate it when He
doesn`t allow us to drown and saves us; otherwise, we tend to be too stubborn
to accept His hand. Only God knows when it is the right time to scoop me up and
save me from drowning. His timing is usually not the same as what I would think
would be the right time.
- Jesus went back to Judea despite the fact that it was dangerous
for His life, as we see His disciples pointing out to Him that not so long ago
He almost got stoned. I had to go for one more hearing on Monday and return to
that “Judea” where I almost “got stoned” in my previous hearings although God
sustained me and preserved my life. This is called trusting God and obeying His
After re-reading these verses, I feel like I`m preaching to myself
more than to anyone else because I realize despite the outcome on the temporary
hearing, although I didn`t get what I wanted, but God showed me His favor and
He gave me what He thinks I need for now in order to make some upcoming changes
to my circumstances.
On a third day after the hearing, now I can rationalize it a
little better and realize that although I didn`t get what I wanted, but only
God knew on Monday what I needed to get in order to make the shift in my
circumstances. If that meant that I only get child support, than that`s what I
needed to get, and I got it.
This is the time when I come to God, and I say the same thing Job
Job answered the Lord and
said: 2 “I know that You can do everything, and that no
purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. 3 You
asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without
knowledge? ’Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too
wonderful for me, which I did not know. 4 Listen, please,
and let me speak; You said, ‘I will question you, and you
shall answer Me.’ 5 “I have heard of You by the hearing of
the ear, but now my eye sees You. 6 Therefore I
abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.” (Job 42:1-6
I can
only tell God that He can do everything, and only He knows what`s going on
because I only can see the particles of the physical circumstances, and I don`t
see the spiritual battles that take place at the same time. I do realize that
given the kind of a judge I had on Monday, what I got was a miracle at all that
he ruled on my favor, yet I am weary from waiting for any major change in
custody, in my relationships with my husband, and God bringing out the truth
because my husband was lying on the stand to make himself look better.
I do struggle
with what`s going to be next because my finances have limits for my attorney,
and I don`t have enough to last me until the final hearing, but God knows it
all. It doesn`t matter how much I cry, it doesn`t matter what I feel, God will
not change His plans only because I don`t understand something right now.
That`s why I can only come to Jesus and ask Him to take my yoke and burdens
from me because I am very, very weary right now.
Please continue to pray for me for God to give me strength to keep
going and to resist the temptation of turning my ways back and becoming a
backslider loosing hope that God would deliver me. I`m praying for God`s
peace and direction as to what to do next.
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